Greatness of Attitude
Many conflicts can be avoided if your “negotiation budget” has enough experience, knowledge and ways to conduct difficult conversations.
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You have difficulties in solving issues with people without emotional excitement? You have often conflicts that affect negatively your personal life, career or business? You have a colleague or a business partner with whom you can hardly find common ground? Your child is constantly violating your mutual agreements?
Most probably, you are familiar with a situation when you made some arrangements with someone, but later your agreement gets violated. For example, your assistant forgets to send you timely reports or your child stops making up his room every evening. That particular moment is a starting point, when the situation can either turn into an outright conflict or, using certain skills and techniques, can be smoothly solved.
You have a possibility to acquire the skills of the Agreement Making Master, namely:
• to acquire personal experience of effective communication by virtue of practical assignments and training;
• to learn seeing real situation from various perspectives;
• to learn describing a situation in neutral terms as it is “here and now”;
• to learn recognizing the symptoms destroying communication and possibility to create new arrangements;
• to hear what a companion actually wants to tell (to hear the sense “between the lines”);
• to perceive the feeling of the involved parties;
• to ease a tense situation;
• to maintain a resource state in a complicated situation;
• to acquire certain instruments for the efficient management of the situation “here and now” and handling of a tense conversation;
• to renegotiate – to create agreements based on a new level of consciousness, honesty, openness, responsibility;
• to learn gaining enjoyment and inspiration from any communication and to share it with your interlocutor;
• to use untapped resources of your emotional potential.
To transform the attitude.
To transform the attitude:
– towards yourself,
– towards the main people in your life,
– towards your life priorities.
– People who relish relationships.
– Men and women who would like to build relationships.
– Spouses.
– Parents.
– People who feel the importance of making arrangements and re-arrangements at home and at work.
– What is attitude.
– What is the power of attitude.
– Type of attitude.
– The effect of attitude towards us and our life.
– Understanding of personal attitude.
– How to get rid of the destructive attitude.
– Choosing the efficient attitude.
– The four contexts as the four sources of attitude.
– The keys for the defining of the context – the POWER model.
– Creation of arrangements and re-arrangements – the AWARD model.
The second part of the booster will let you know:
-What is blocking you will and choice to be in the efficient attitude?
You develop:
– Exercises for entering a new level of the efficient attitude.
You choose:
– My decisions are based on my attitude towards myself, towards people important for me, towards the main things in my life.
Having completed the booster, you will be able:
– To have a more conscious understanding of your attitude towards yourself, other people, as well as their attitude towards you.
– To reduce the consequences of affecting of destructive attitude towards you and your surrounding world.
– To use the potential of the attitude and to achieve the results that have never were achievable at home and at work.
– To express attitude towards yourself based on your values.
– To start creating arrangements of another quality level.
– To use certain step-by-step algorithm of carrying out the efficient conversation.
– To carry out difficult conversations with no stress, fear, confusion.
– To change the attitude toward some circumstances or situations that make you feel angry, annoyed, insulted and experience other unnecessary emotions.
– To express the attitude that creates success in any relationships.